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Envision EEB: Graduate Program Preview Weekend

EEB Envision Program Header

Envision EEB: Graduate Preview Weekend at Michigan State University strives to relieve disparities in access to graduate education in biological science for historically excluded minorities. The weekend provides students from underrepresented backgrounds information on the graduate application process, how to apply for grants and/or fellowships to fund their graduate research (e.g., NSF GRFP and the Ford Foundation Fellowship), and an early opportunity to network with potential advisors. Prospective students can meet MSU faculty, postdocs, and current graduate students in EEB.

The Envision EEB 2024 is scheduled for Friday and Saturday, Sept. 20-21, in East Lansing for a whirlwind of networking, professional development, and personal exploration.

Learn more about the Envision EEB program, how to participate, and meet the EEB DEI committee on the program’s website. Learn more through our news article on the 2023 event: Envision EEB puts pathway to graduate life on the map


Read about the 2023 event: Envision EEB puts pathway to graduate life on the map and the 2022 event: Envision EEB show possibilities, delivers skills, builds relationships. Check out photos in our archive. (Thanks to Zinan Wang for the 2023 pictures.)

Questions can be directed to EEB's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee co-chairs:  Lauren Sullivan, Ben Kline, and Carol Waldmann Rosenbaum.


group of students
group of students in field
students and frog
students by pond