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Since 1989, EEB has graduated more than 500 PhD and MS students with dual degrees with their home department. Control F will allow searching through all class years.




Hazel Anderson, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Phoebe Zarnetske
Thesis: Investigating the scale-dependent relationship of plant-frugivore biodiversity using big data in a biodiversity hotspot

Charlotte Anker, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeff Conner
Dissertation: Measuring the effects of selection and pleiotropy on short stamen number in Arabidopsis thaliana

Isabela Lima Borges, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Sarah Fitzpatrick
Dissertation: The effects of dispersal, inbreeding, and mutualisms on the fitness of fragmented populations

Emily Conway, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Dissertation: A study of plant community assembly dynamics in urban systems through the lens of restoration ecology

Kayla Davis, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elise Zipkin
Dissertation: From data to dynamics: Data integration to estimate avian population and community dynamics

Kara Dobson, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Phoebe Zarnetske
Dissertation: Plant trait and community response to experimental climate change

Austin Ferguson, PhD

Computer Science
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: An empirical analysis of historical contingency in evolution

Brianna Foster, PhD

Advisor: Marianna Szucs
Dissertation: Evolutionary and applied approaches for the management of invasive swallow-wort vines (Vincetoxicum spp.): biological control, ecosystem restoration and consequences for monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus)

Veronica Frans, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jianguo “Jack” Liu
Dissertation: Advancing ecological niche theory for global sustainability: A coupled human and natural systems perspective

Abby Grieb, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Ashley Shade
Dissertation: Understanding the microbiome of common bean plants (PHASEOLUS VULGARIS L.): Drought stress, microbiome transmissions and assembly, and outlooks for agricultural applications

Anthony Grigsby, MS

Advisor: Eric Benbow
Thesis: Seasonal dynamics of decomposition Ecology

Sara Hugentobler, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Mariah Meek
Dissertation: Informing conservation actions: Genetic approaches to Chinook salmon management in the Sacramento River of California

Julie Jarvey, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holkamp
Dissertation: The social and ecological influences on spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta) foraging ecology

Brandon Latorre, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Dissertation: The effect of seed mix design on plant productive output in an experimental prairie system

Caitlin Mack, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Richard Snyder
Thesis: African painted dog parental-social and offspring behaviors observed in four captive packs in zoos

Bruce Martin, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Marjorie Weber
Dissertation: New phylogenetic comparative approaches for studying variation in rates of continuous trout evolution

Olivia Spagnuolo, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Spatial ecology methods and applications to large carnivore conservation in Kenya

Jenna Walters, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Effects of extreme heat on northern highbush blueberry pollen and the native pollinator osmia lignana

Nicole Watson, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Daniel Hayes
Dissertation: Answering key uncertainties to successful reintroduction of Arctic Grayling to Michigan streams

Katherine Wood, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Tree seedling mycorrhizal type and functional traits interact with light availability to mediate plant-soil feedbacks

Katherine Wynne, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lauren Sullivan
Dissertation: The effect of seed dispersal and recruitment on tallgrass prairie community assembly

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Elizeth Cinto Mejia, PhD

Advisor: Will Wetzel
Dissertation: The effect of the timing of extreme climatic events on plant communities

Marcella Domka, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Dissertation: Comparing measures of water quality and waterfowl populations between natural lakes and reservoirs

Skye Fissette, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: The evolution and function of Sea Lamprey pheromone components

Beth Gerstner, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Phoebe Zarnetski
Dissertation: Towards improving biodiversity assessments for mammals and birds within the Neotropics

Jose Hernandez, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Beyond benchmarks suites: Engineering diagnostic tools to characterize selection schemes

Emily Liljestrand, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jim Bence
Dissertation: Evaluating the performance and applicability of state-space stock assessment models

Mathew Moreno, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Engineering scalable digital models to study major transitions in evolution

Andrea Morrow, PhD

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Dissertation: Comparative analysis of investment in sensory brain tissue in diurnal, nocturnal, and cathemeral rodents

Kota Nakasato, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom
Non-thesis degree

Olivia Ruppert, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: John Robinson
Thesis: Use of eDNA metabarcoding to characterize diversity and occupancy of wetland herpetofauna in the GreatLakes region

Michael Ryskamp, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom
Dissertation: Wild virus impacts on fitness of Panicum virgatum (switchgrass) and the genetic architecture of disease expression

Daniel Turner, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Issacs
Dissertation: Time and terpenoids: Experimental and data-intensive investigations into temporal ecology and phytochemistry

Olivia Utley, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Thesis: Raptor foraging ecology and ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes

Miranda Wade, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Mariah Meek
Dissertation: Of microplastics and milkweed: Using ‘omics to address biodiversity challenges in the Anthropocene

Nicole Wonderlin, PhD

Advisor: Peter White and Will Wetzel
Dissertation: Ecology of moth pollinators in urban environments

Ali Zahorec, PhD

Advisor: Doug Landis
Dissertation: Microarthropod-microbe interactions on soil carbon dynamics in bioenergy cropping systems

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Acacia Ackles, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elise Zipkin
Dissertation: Computations models to investigate connectivity in evolvable systems

Kevin Bird, PhD

Advisor: Patrick Edger
Dissertation: Subgenome dominance and genome evolution in allopolyploids

Melissa Brady, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Birds and berries: The costs and benefits of agricultural ecosystems

Ava Garrison, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeff Conner
Dissertation: Adaptation to agriculture in a serious crop weed, Weedy Radish, (Raphanus raphanistrum

Zoe Hansen, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Ashley Shade
Dissertation: Characterization of the human gut resistome, microbiome, and metabolome during enteric infection

Catherine Henry, PhD

Advisor: Michael Walters
Dissertation: Pattern and process of regeneration and recruitment dynamics in managed northern hardwood forests

Lindsey Kemmerling, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Nick Haddad
Dissertation: Diversification of agricultural landscapes for biodiversity and ecosystem services

Viviana Ortiz Londono, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Martin Chilvers
Dissertation:Evolutionary genomic analysis of the charcoal rot fungus Macrophomina phaseolina for improved disease management under climate change

Danielle Matuszak, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Dissertation: Lake type and connectivity predict zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) presence

Kevin McCormick, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Agonistic behavior of spotted hyenas (Crocuta Crocuta): Effects on fitness and dominance

Rachel Osborn, PhD

Advisor: Anthony Cognato
Dissertation: Diversity of South American ambrosia beetles (Curculionidae: Scolytinae: Xyleborini) and their fungal partners

Joseph Riedy, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Field and experimental studies find variation in levels of larval lake sturgeon predation is associate with behavior and environmental conditions

Elizabeth Stebbins, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jim Bence
Thesis: Modeling individual variability in growth and its importance: An application for lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in Lake Superior

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Jaron Adkins, PhD

Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Jessica Miesel
Dissertation: Wildfire impacts on soil carbon pools and microbial communities in mixed-conifer forests of California

Jason Bundy, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Rich Lenski
Dissertation: Replaying life's virtual tape: Examining the role of history in experiments with digital organisms

Nikki (Cybil) Cavalieri, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Dissertation: Geographical variation in skull morphology of the bone cracking hyenas, Crocuta Crocuta and Hyaena Hyaena

Savvas Constantinou, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Jason Gallant
Dissertation: Developing reverse genetic tools in weakly electric fish: Investigating electric organ IN VIVO SCN4AA function through CRISPR knockouts and morpholino knockouts

Andrew Dennhardt, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Dissertation: Spatiotemporal dynamics of wild populations in human-dominated landscapes and aquascapes: Multiple scales and modes for inference

Jeffrey Doser, PhD

Advisor: Andrew Finley
Dissertation: Development and application of hierarchical models for monitoring avian soundscapes, populations, and communities

Clarice Esch, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Mature trees effects on seedling regeneration: Plant-soil feedbacks, their legacies, and restoration

Matt Farr, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor:  Elise Zipkin
Dissertation: Data integration in population and community ecology using hierarchical modeling

Darren Incorvaia, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Social modulation of individual decision-making in foraging bumblebees: Mechanisms and evolution

Heather Kitteredge, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Sarah Evans
Dissertation: Environmental drivers and evolutionary consequences of horizontal gene transfer in soil bacteria

Cory Kohn, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: James Smith
Dissertation: Digital evolution in experimental phylogenetics and evolution education

Lauren Koenig, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Tom Getty
Dissertation: Model behavior of non-model organisms: The use of non-model systems to evaluate adaptive behavior

Alex Lalejini, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Evolving phenotypically plastic digital organisms

Mauricio Locilla, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Jason Gallant
Dissertation: Genomic basis of electric signal variation in African weakly electric fish

James Robert Logan, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Sarah Evans
Dissertation: Dynamic deserts: The synergistic effects of fungi, sunlight, and non-rainfall moisture on plant litter decomposition in drylands

Anselmo Pontes, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: The evolutionary origins of cognition: Understanding the early evolution of biological control systems and general intelligence

Ravi Ranjan, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Christopher Klausmeier
Dissertation: Two is company, more is a crowd: Untangling the complexity of multi-species competition

Joseph Receveur, PhD

Advisor: Eric Benbow
Dissertation: Influence of aquatic microbes on mosquito oviposition behavior and life history

Connie Rojas, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Socioecological predictors of microbiome variation in wild populations of African mammals

Seth Smith, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor:  Kim Scribner
Dissertation: The genetic basis for fitness and ecomorphological variation in recovering populations of lake trout (Salvelinus Namaycush) in the Great Lakes

Zinan Wang, PhD

Advisor:  Henry Chung
Dissertation: Mechanisms underlying desiccaion resistance in Drosophila species

Christopher Warneke, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Dissertation: Plant population responses following reintroduction to human-modified landscapes

Scott Warner, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Telewski
Dissertation: Tree rings and climate in the Great Lakes Region – past, present, and future

Alex Wright, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elise Zipkin
Dissertation: Quantifying, monitoring, and managing biodiversity across multiple spatial scales  

Allison Young, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Comparative and experimental studies on the foraging and exploratory behavior of four honey bee species

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Kyle Card, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: The effects of genetic background on the evolution of antibiotic resistance and its fitness costs

Michael Foisy, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Marjorie Weber
Thesis: Do latex and resin canals spur plant diversification? Re-examining a classic example of escape and radiate coevolution

Nkrumah Grant, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Deconstructing the correlated nature of ancient and emergent traits: An evolutionary investigation of metabolism, morphology, and mortality

Kayleigh Hauri, MS

Advisor: William Wetzel
Thesis: Effects of plant chemical diversity on predator-prey interactions in an agroecosystem

Lily Johnson-Ulrich, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Intraspecific variation in behavioral flexibility in spotted hyenas

Erika LaPlante, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Marjorie Weber
Thesis: Genome-wide association study reveals genes associated with mite recruitment phenotypes in the domesticated grapevine (Vitis vinifera)

Courtney Larson, PhD

Advisor: Eric Benbow
Dissertation: Diverse allochthonous resource quality effects on headwater stream communities through insect-microbe interactions

Kenna Lehmann, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Communication and cooperation in silico and in nature

Robert Mobley, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Janette Boughman
Dissertation: Multimodal ecology of stickleback sensing

Tracy Montgomery, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Physiological mediation of social behavior in group-living carnivores

Toby Petrice, PhD

Advisor: William Ravlin
Dissertation: Effects of temperature and photoperiod on host-parasitoid synchrony and evaluation of sampling methods for Oobius agrili: An introduced egg parasitoid of emerald ash borer

Gabriela Quinlan, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Influence of landscape composition, landscape diversity, and conservation management on bee health via a pollen nutrition mechanism

Alexandra Rafalski, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Scott Peacor
Dissertation: Contingency of predation risk-induced trait responses in a model fish-zooplankton community

Sean Sultaire, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Dissertation: Biodiversity responses to alternative green tree retentions practices in the Pacific Northwest: A regional forestry experiment

Laura Twardochleb, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Phoebe Zarnetske
Dissertation: Climate effects on freshwater ecological communities: From local species interactions to continental biodiversity patterns

Lydia Wassink, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Investigation into effects of environmental stressors on Lake Sturgeon physiology, behavior, and survival during early ontogeny

Nathaniel Yost, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Scott Winterstein
Thesis: A critical review of Michigan's spring waterfowl survey

Meredith Zettlemoyer, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau
Dissertation: Phenological and demographic plant responses to global change

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Sara Ali (Herman), PhD

Advisor: Doug Landis
Dissertation: Impact of predation risk on the behavior and physiology of insects in agricultural systems

Andrew Carlson, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Taylor
Dissertation: Michigan stream salmonid growth and survival in a changing climate: Predictions and implications for resilience-based management

Thomas Connor, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jianguo (Jack) Liu
Dissertation: Assessing species distributions and the effects of habitat fragmentation: The case of the giant panda

Emily Dolson, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: On the constructive power of ecology in open-ended evolving systems

Steven Gray, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Dissertation: Invasive species, spatial ecology, and human-wildlife conflict: Exploration of wildlife sciences in the present

Sarah Jones, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Androgen and serotonin concentrations in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta): physiological predictors and relationships with the social environment

Zachary Laubach, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Developmental plasticity:  Early life environment, DNA methylation, and later life phenotype in spotted hyenas

Di Liang, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: G. Philip Robertson
Dissertation: Microbial sources of nitrous oxide emissions from diverse cropping systems

Christine McTavish, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Thesis: Spruce decline and Diaporthe: Incidence, taxonomy, virulence and tree susceptibility

Andrew Meyers, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: The interacting influences of habitat context and predators on monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) oviposition and survival in agricultural landscapes

Bethany Moore (Johnson), PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Shin-Han Shiu
Dissertation: Specialized metabolism and stress response: Studies in predicting gene function and regulation

Zachary Noel, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Martin Chilvers
Dissertation: Effect of soybean seed treatments on oomycete evolution and diversity for improved seedling disease management

Genevieve Pang , PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jean Tsao
Dissertation: The effect of genetic and abiotic factors on the geographic variation in life cycle processes of Ixodes scapularis in the eastern United States

Klara Scharnagl, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Dissertation: Biogeography of an obligate symbiont: Following established patterns or an exception to the rule?

Eli Strauss, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Social inequality and its dynamics in spotted hyenas

Patric Vaelli, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Heather Eisthen
Dissertation: Mechanisms of tetrodotoxin production and resistance in the poisonous rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa)

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Carina Baskett, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Marjorie Weber and Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: Testing hypothesized latitudinal patterns in plant-insect interactions from tropical to north-temperate regions

Caitlyn Byron, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: David Lowry
Non-thesis degree

Anna Funk-Groves, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Dissertation: Planting year conditions shape community assembly in restored prairie communities

Sara Garnett, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Fitness effects of kinship depend on ecological context in the American Toad (Anaxyrus americanus)

Knute Gundersen, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Implications of habitat restoration for bumble bee population dynamics, foraging ecology, and epidemiology

Malcolm Itter, PhD

Advisor: Andrew Finley
Dissertation: The development and application of spatio-temporal methods to understand and predict broad-scale patterns of forest change

Joshua James, MS

Advisor: Jessica Meisel
Thesis: Short and long-term effects of prescribed fire on soil properties in a Pinus resinosa forest in Northern Minnesota

Dustin Kinkaid, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: Revealing the biogeochemistry and hydrodynamic exchange processes of flocculent sediments in shallow freshwater

Matthew Kolp, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Dissertation: Fungal community succession and interactions in chestnut blight cankers in Michigan and Indiana

Thomas LaBar, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Christoph Adami
Dissertation: The evolution of the complexity and robustness in small populations

Susan Magnoli, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau
Dissertation: The role of rapid adaptation in plant population establishment

Daniel ODonnell, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elena Litchman
Dissertation: Sea change phytoplankton change too? Thermal adaptation of the marine diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana: An evolutionary scenario

Shujun Ou, PhD

Advisor: Ning Jiang
Dissertation: Identification of LTR retrotransposons, evaluation of genome assembly, and modeling rice domestication

Abhijna Parigi, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Ashlee Rowe
Dissertation: Mechanisms of southern grasshopper mouse (Onychomys torridus) muscle resistant to paralytic and lethal toxins in Arizona bark scorpion (Centruroides sculpturatus) venom

Damian Popovic, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: David Lowry
Thesis: Evaluating the role of oceanic salt spray and herbivory on the evolution of locally adapted populations of the Seep Monkeyflower (Mimulus guttatus)

Steven Roels, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Recovery of insectivorous bird ecology function in tropical forest restorations

Anne Scott, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: Characterization and disruption of sea lamprey sex pheromone communication

Nicholas Skaff, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Dissertation: Blood in the water: Wetlands, wet spells, and drought regulate mosquito-borne disease transmission at multiple scales

Julie Turner, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Social development and its influence on adult traits in the spotted hyena

Paul Wilburn, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elena Litchman
Dissertation: The taxonomic and functional microbial diversity in Lake Baikal and other north temperate lakes

Chad Zirbel, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Dissertation: Interpreting variation in restoration outcomes: Functional traits shape community assembly and ecosystem functioning

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Shairah Abdu Razak, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Mark Scriber
Dissertation: Biotic and abiotic factors influence formation and ontogenic dynamics of molecularly defined gastro-intestinal microbial communities in Lake Sturgeon and Channel Catfish

Tyler Bassett, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau
Dissertation: The role of biodiversity in prairie restoration tests of theory and implications for management

Alita Burmeiseter, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Coevolutionary implications of envelope-mediated resistance to phage

Rosangela Canino-Koning, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor:  Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Evolution and evolvability in changing environments

Leslie Cieplechowicz, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Richard Snider
Thesis: Asian Wild Horse (Equus ferus) care manual

Andrew Crosby, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Porter
Dissertation: Conserving avian biodiversity on managed forest landscapes: The importance of pattern and scale

Micaleila Desotelle, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: The impacts of algal subsidies from a run-of-river reservoir on downstream food webs and nutrient availability, and the implications of a diluted bitumen spill on the Kalamazoo River

Garret Dettman, MS

Advisor: David MacFarlane
Thesis: Evaluating inter- and intra-specific variation in leaf mass and area

Emily Dittmar, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: Local adaptation and fitness trade-offs

Julia Greenberg, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Developmental flexibility in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta): The role of maternal and anthropogenic effects

Patrick Hanly, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: The maintenance and generation of freshwater diversity from the local to the global scale

Wendy Johnson, PhD

Teacher Education
Advisors: Charles Anderson and Robert Pennock
Dissertation: Supporting three-dimensional science learning: The role of curiosity-driven classroom discourse

Nora Lewin, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Mechanisms mediating life history traits in the spotted hyena

Tracy Melvin (Swem), MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Thesis: Prescribed fire effects on Eastern Box Turtles in Southwest Michigan

Jorden Schossau, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Christoph Adami
Dissertation: Evolution of decision-making systems

Megan Shave, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Evaluating the conservation and agricultural applications of orchard nest boxes 

Allison Sussman, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Elise Zipkin
Thesis: Assessing waterbird hotspots for conservation and management in the Great Lakes

Anya Vostinar (Johnson) , PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Suicide, signals, and symbionts: Evolving cooperation in agent-based systems

Justin Waraniak, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Barcoding, metabarcoding, and experimental analyses of community dynamics and environmental conditions affecting predation of larval lake sturgeon in the Black River, Michigan

Sarah Beth Wegener, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Heather Eisthen
Thesis: Transmissibility and localization of tetrodotoxin in the rough-skinned newt Taricha granulosa

Kileigh Welshofer (Browning), MS

Advisor: Phoebe Zarnetske
Thesis: Examining exotic plant success in a warmer world

Sean Williams, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Behavioral ecology of Amazonian mixed-species flocks

Jing Zhou, MS

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Richard Snider
Thesis: Captive welfare design of Red Pandas (Ailurus fulgens)

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Erica Bruger, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Christopher Waters
Dissertation: Quorum sensing and the stabilization of cooperative behavior in Vibrio bacteria

Andrea Dechner, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Brian Maurer
Dissertation: Ecology of a carnivore community in an agricultural landscape in the northeast of Brazil

Rachael Eaton, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Avian use of cultivated orchards: Influences of diet, scale, and sociality on foraging

Carol Fergus, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Patricia Soranno
Dissertation: Using a landscape limnology framework to examine spatial patterns and processes that influence lake nutrients and productivity at macroscales

Ellen Holste, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: The role of mycorrhizal fungi and soil nutrients in tropical reforestation

Lindsay Hunt, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Thomas Getty
Thesis: Effects of pasture dairy farming on grassland bird species in southwest Michigan

Cara Kreig, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: The form and function of competitive traits in female house wrens (Troglodytes aedon)

Michael Kuczynski, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Individual and ecological sources of variation in sexual signals and mate choice

Rohan Maddamsetti, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Population genomics of Escherichia coli in nature and the laboratory

Lucas Michelotti, MS

Advisor: Jessica Miesel
Non-thesis degree

Elizabeth Miller, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Christopher Klausmeier
Dissertation: Community composition and coexistence: The effects of temporal variation and environmental forcing on community trait distributions and diversity

Jakob Nalley, PhD

Advisor: Elena Litchman
Dissertation: Optimizing the productivity and sustainability of algae biofuel systems: Investigating the benefits of algal diversity and utilizing brewery wastewater for cultivation

Sifa Ephraim Ngasala, PhD

Earth and Environmental Sciences
Advisor: Michael Gottfried
Dissertation: The biogeography of lungfishes with a description of new fossil taxa from East Africa

Alejandro Rojas Flechas, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Martin Chilvers
Dissertation: Diversity of oomycetes associated with soybean seedling diseases

Marissa Schuh, MS

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Thesis: Influence of switchgrass ecotype, cultivar, and planted stand diversity on herbivores, natural enemy communities, and biological control in bioenergy cropping systems

Tomomi Suwa, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau
Dissertation: The role of resource mutualism in plant response and adaptation to abiotic environments

Nick Testa, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Alexander Shingleton
Dissertation: The development and molecular-genetic mechanisms of sexual size and shape dimorphism in Drosophila melanogaster

Jie Wang, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Martin Chilvers
Dissertation: Molecular diagnostics, epidemiology, and population genetics of the soybean sudden death syndrome pathogen, Fusarium virguliforme

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Isis Arsnoe (Kuczaj), PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jean Tsao
Dissertation: Variation in blacklegged tick Ixodes scapularis questing behavior has implications for human Lyme disease risk in the eastern United States

Briana Brady, MS

Advisor: Julie Wade
Thesis: Characterization of co-expression of scamp 1, BDNf and ERÉ» in the juvenile zebra finch telencephalic vocal motor pathway

Tyler Buchinger, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: Evolution of sea lamprey mating pheromones

Jessica Caton, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jennifer Owen
Thesis: Migratory behavior of captive Blue-Winged Teals (Anas discors)

Kari Dammerman, PhD

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Extrinsic and intrinsic factors affecting adult reproductive biology and early life stage development of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)

Angela De Palma-Dow, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Thesis: The relative roles of dispersal and establishment for shaping aquatic macrophyte diversity and community structure among the inland lakes of Isle Royale National Park

Lisette Delgado Aquije, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Impact of pathogenic Escherichia coli and Salmonella on the intestinal microbiota of white-tailed deer and cattle sharing an agroecosystem

Hope Draheim, PhD

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Landscape genetics of black bears (Ursus americanus) in the northern lower peninsula of Michigan, USA

Danielle Fegan, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Lars Brudvig
Non-thesis degree

David Green , PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Anthropogenic disturbance, ecological change, and wildlife conservation at the edge of the Mara-Serengeti ecosystem

Joshua Haslun, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Nathaniel Ostrom
Dissertation: Identification of local adaptation in Porites astreoides inhabiting the Florida reef tract: Biotic stress, a disregarded force of change affecting coral reefs

Briana Hauff Salas, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Margaret (Peggy) Ostrom
Dissertation: The response of symbiotic zooxanthellae (Symbiodinium spp.) diversity and gene expression to stress in geographically distinct reefs

Kane Keller, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau
Dissertation: Context-dependent effects of mutualisms on communities

Melissa Kjelvik, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: The ecological consequences of foraging boldness in juvenile bluegill sunfish (Lepomis macrochirus)

Raffica La Rosa, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: Floral evolution in milkweeds: Evidence for selection past and present

Emily May, MS

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Thesis: Wild bee community responses to farm management practices, wildflower restorations, and landscape composition

Masoud Mirmomeni, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Christoph Adami
Dissertation: Evolution of cooperation in the light of information theory

Randy Olson, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Christoph Adami
Dissertation: Elucidating the evolutionary origins of collective animal behavior

Anuraag Pakanati, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Structure and evolutionary dynamics in fitness landscapes

Claire Patterson Moore, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Non-thesis degree

Ben Roller, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Thomas Schmidt
Dissertation: Life histories of bacteria: Genomic foundations and ecological implications

Elizabeth Schultheis, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jennifer Lau 
Dissertation: The role of biotic interactions in biological invasions

Christine Sprunger, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Sieglinde Snapp
Dissertation: Root production and soil carbon accumulation in annual, perennial and diverse cropping systems

Elizabeth Stelzner, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom 
Non-thesis degree

Caroline Turner, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Experimental evolution and ecological consequences: New niches and changing stoichiometry

Erin Walaszczyk, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: Pheromone modulation of locomotor rhythmicity in adult female sea lamprey

Emily Weigel, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Janette Boughman
Dissertation: The effects of social experience on sexual selection in Threespine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)

Jeff White, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Orlando Sarnelle
Dissertation: Trait and environmental variation mediate the interaction between a harmful phytoplanker and an invasive grazer

Michael Wiser, PhD

Integrative Biology
Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: An analysis of fitness in long-term asexual evolution experiments

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Nicholas Ballew, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Fitness tradeoffs can contribute to the maintenance of variation in personality traits in largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)

Andrea Bowling, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Porter
Dissertation: Landscape-level effects of weather and land cover on wild turkey abundance, productivity, and regional harvest potential

Sudarshan Chari, PhD

Advisor: Ian Dworkin
Dissertation: Understanding the role of standing genetic variation in functional genetics and compensatory evolution

Michael DeNieu, PhD

Advisor: Ian Dworkin
Dissertation: Using experimental evolution in Drosophila melanogaster to test predictions about the adaptation of prey to a novel predator

Austin Dreyer, PhD

Advisor: Alexander Shingleton
Dissertation: The causes and effects of genital hypoallometry in Drosophila

Paige Howell, MS

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Genetic and phenotypic variation in the American marten (Martes americana) in the upper peninsula of Michigan

Marta Jarzyna, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Porter
Dissertation: Macroecology of breeding birds of New York state: Influences of climate change, landscape matrix, and spatial scale

Colin Kremer, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Christopher Klausmeier
Dissertation: Coexistence in temporally variable environments: Eco-evolutionary perspectives

David Minor, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Richard Kobe
Thesis: The effects of tree size, nutrient availability, competition, and masting synchrony on fruit production in tropical and temperate forests

Robert Morrison, PhD

Advisor: Zsofia Szendrei
Dissertation: Investigation of the tritrophic interactions of the asparagus miner (Ophiomyia simplex Loew; Diptera: Agromyzidae) and the influence of temperature on its population dynamics

Kristen Nolting, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Nathan Swenson
Thesis: The role of phylogeny and niche differentiation in structuring species co-occurrence in the New Zealand Pittosporum (Pittospraceae)

Sam Rossman, PhD

Advisor: Margaret (Peggy) Ostrom
Dissertation: The foraging ecology of bottlenose dolphins: Insights into temporal, demographic, and individual variation

Anne Royer, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: Mating system and the evolution of stamen morphology in the Brassicaceae

Nathan Snow, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Porter
Dissertation: Hotspots, underreporting, and dynamic space-time influences of wildlife-vehicle collisions

John Willis, PhD

Advisor: Michael Walters
Dissertation: Substrate effects on seedling dynamics in managed northern hardwood forests

Luis Zaman, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Host-symbiont coevolution in digital and microbial systems

Back to the top



Carlos Anderson, PhD

Advisor: Barry Williams
Dissertation: Mechanisms of adaptation and speciation: An experimental study in artificial life

Brett Blaauw, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Composition, size, and effectiveness of native plant conservation plantings for supporting beneficial insects

Katy Califf, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: A genetic approach to understanding the evolutionary ecology of two hyena species

Brendan Carson, MS

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Thesis: The biological control of spotted knapweed and conservation of associated pollinator communities

Mike Grillo, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: Mechanisms of adaptation in Oryza and Arabidopsis

Goeffrey Horst, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Orlando Sarnelle
Dissertation: Eco-physiology of the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa across nutrient gradients

Nikhil Jaikumar, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Sieglinde Snapp
Dissertation: Perennial cereal crops for the cold temperate zone: Agronomy, physiology, sink regulation and disease resistance

Anna Kirk Blanton, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Varying strategies of managed pollinator investment to optimize highbush blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) crop pollination and yield

Mitchell Lettow, MS

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Thesis: Oak savanna restoration: Effects of variable methods on habitat, flowering forbs and pollinator communities

Matthew Lundquist, MS

Advisor: Michael Kaufman
Thesis: The effect of nitrogen on the larval growth of the invasive mosquito Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald)

Abby Lynch, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Taylor
Dissertation: Designing a decision-support tool for harvest management of Great Lakes lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeafornis) in a changing climate

Andrea Maguire, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Richard Kobe
Thesis: Depletion of non-structural carbohydrate reserves in temperate tree seedlings under stress

Robert McCann, PhD

Advisor: Edward Walker
Dissertation: Determinants of malaria vector habitat use, spatial distribution, and community composition with a focus on environmental factors and insecticide-treated bed nets

Melissa McDonald, PhD

Advisor: Carlos Navarrete
Dissertation: Motivations for mate choice discrimination in an intergroup dating context

Emily Norton Henry, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Dissertation: From turtle populations to property values: The effects of lakeshore residential development and the invasive zebra mussel

Alycia Reynolds (Lackey), PhD

Advisor: Janette Boughman
Dissertation: Speciation in stickleback fish: Interactions between sexual selection and ecology can make or break species

Lurii Shcherbak, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Philip Robertson
Dissertation: Production and movement of N2O in the full soil profile

Joshua Springer, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Dissertation: Influence of mycoviruses on the population structure of the chestnut blight pathogen, Cryphonectria parasitica and recovery of American chestnuts, Castanea dentata

Eli Swanson, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Evolution and development of body size in the spotted hyena

Mark Tran, PhD

Advisor: Richard Hill
Dissertation: The use of olfactory foraging cues by intertidal hermit crabs

Nathaniel Walton, PhD

Advisor: Matthew Grieshop
Dissertation: The role of natural enemies in pest management of codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in organic apple orchards in Michigan

J. Megan Woltz, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: Relationships between landscape structure, coccinellid activity density, and soybean aphid suppression in soybean

Back to the top



Jameel Al-Haddad, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Telewski
Dissertation: Influence of syringyl to guaiacyl ratio and gravity on growth responses and physical properties in genetically altered poplars (Populus tremula x P. alba)

Kali Bird, MS

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Jay Lennon
Thesis: Generalist and specialist strategies of phosphorus acquisition by aquatic bacteria

David Bryson, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: The evolutionary potential of populations on complex fitness landscapes

Stephen Burr, MS

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Thesis: Evaluating emerald ash borer populations and the ash resources at three stages of infestation

Brian Connelly, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Philip McKinley
Dissertation: Ecological effects on the evolution of cooperative behaviors

Leslie Curren, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Competition and cooperation among males in a sex role-reversed mammal, the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Ben Dantzer, PhD

Advisor: Andrew McAdam
Dissertation: Adaptive endocrine and behavioral responses of free-living red squirrels to environmental variation

Andy Flies, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Ecology and immune function in the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta

Masanori Fujimoto, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Terence Marsh
Dissertation: Microbial succession on the lake sturgeon egg surface: Mechanisms shaping the microbial community assembly during succession and the effect of microbial successional processes on host life history traits

Chris Hamm, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: Natural history and conservation genetics of the federally endangered Mitchell's Satyr butterfly, Neonympha mitchellii mitchellii

Lauren Kinsman-Costello, PhD

Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: Effects of water level fluctuations on phosphorus, iron, sulfur, and nitrogen cycling in shallow freshwater ecosystems

Amanda Lorenz, MS

Advisor: Michael Kaufman
Thesis: The role of algae in the invasion ecology of the mosquito species Aedes japonicus japonicus (Diptera: Culicidae)

Jason Martina, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: Invasive plant species impacts on carbon and nitrogen cycling in inland Michigan wetlands

Justin Meyer, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Coevolution of bacterial-phage interactions

Andrea Miehls, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisors: Andrew McAdam and Scott Peacor
Dissertation: Preventing predation: Evolution and adaptive plasticity in morphological defense of an invasive species

Clint Otto, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Dissertation: The impact of timber harvest on wildlife distribution patterns and population vital rates: Does structural retention ameliorate the negative effects of clearcutting?

Jeffrey Pierce, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Telewski
Thesis: The effects of increased syringyl to guaiacyl lignin monomer ratios on xylem hydraulic properties in hybrid poplar (Polulus tremula x P. alba)

Laura Plank, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom
Thesis: Remote sensing to monitor monotypic weed patches in semi-arid grasslands

Emily Scott, PhD

Advisor: Davis Rothstein
Dissertation: Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) cycling in northern hardwood forests of Michigan, USA

Kathryn Shaw Yoshida, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Variation among spotted hyenas in three personality traits

Katherine Steensma, MS

Animal Science
Advisor: Santiago Utsumi
Thesis: Foraging behavior of dairy cattle in a pasture-based system with automated milking

Ryan Taylor, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Quantitative genetics, selection, mate choice and red squirrel behavior in a fluctuating environment

Bess Walker, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: The evolution of digital communities under limited resources

Zhonglei Wang, PhD

Advisor: David MacFarlane
Dissertation: An integrative theory of bio-energetic growth, mortality and evolutionary optimization

Allison Wyatt (Rober), PhD

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Dissertation: Regulation of algal structure and function in northern boreal wetlands

Liu Yang, MS

Advisor: Anthony Cognato
Thesis: Genetic structure of pinyon pine beetle (Isp confurus) during an outbreak

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Anne Axel, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Brian Maurer
Dissertation: Lemur-environment relationships in altered and unaltered tropical dry forests in southern Madagascar

Benedicte Bachelot, MS

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Thesis: Tropical seedling rarity versus commonness: Advantage and disadvantage depends on effects of aboveground natural enemies and conspecific neighbors

Thomas Baribault, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Revisiting soil resource limitation: Resource predictors of tree growth and productivity change across ecological gradients

Sarah Benson-Amram, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Experimental investigations of cognitive abilities in a socially complex mammal, the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Aaron Berger, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Michael Jones
Dissertation: Models to aid in the selection of procedures used to manage Lake Erie walleye (Sander vitreus)

Grace Chen, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: Experimental studies of adaptation and speciation in two neotropical costus species

Megan Fritz, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: James Miller
Dissertation: Investigations of the African malaria mosquito (Anopheles gambiae s.l., diptera: Culicidae): Ovipositional behavior and toxicity of avermectins

Heather Goldsby, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: The evolution of division of labor in digital organisms

Emily Gorman, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Plant-mycorrhizal interactions and the relative abundance of limiting resources

Emily Johnston, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jennifer Owen
Thesis: Anaplasma phagocytophilum infection in two species of passerine birds, American robins and gray catbirds: An assessment of reservoir competence and disease

Sheridan Kelley, MS

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Thesis: Ecomorphological associations of feeding habits of hypercarnivores

David Knoester, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Philip McKinley
Dissertation: Evolution of distributed behavior

Justin Lawrence, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kelly Millenbah
Thesis: The diversity, distribution, and conservation of a polymorphic frog (Oophaga pumilio) in Western Panama

Daniel Linden, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Gary Roloff
Dissertation: All that you can leave behind: Impacts of structure retention on avian ecology in managed forests of the Pacific Northwest

Jeanette Mcguire, PhD

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Comparative analysis of factors influencing male reproductive success in sympatric freshwater turtles

Emily Morrison, PhD

Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Dissertation: Avian ecology and behavior in tropical forest restoration sites

Rosa Moscarella, PhD

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Dissertation: Dissecting the geographical expansion of Peromyscus leucopus in the northern Great Lakes: Insights from genetics, morphometrics and ecology

Todd Robinson, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Impacts of precipitation variability on plant communities

Matthew Rupp, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria and Eric Torng
Dissertation: Evolvability and evolution

Abbie Schrotenboer, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom
Dissertation: Prairie grasses for biofuels and ecological restoration: Modifications to native species and their place in human-altered landscapes

Adria VanLoan, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kelly Millenbah
Dissertation: The Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program (CREP) and grassland conservation in Michigan

Anne Wiley, PhD

Advisor: Margaret (Peggy) Ostrom
Dissertation: Biogeochemical functions of wetlands in southwestern Michigan

Heidi Ziegenmeyer, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Mary Bremigan
Thesis: Effects of spring angling, habitat features, and guarding male attributes on largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) nest survival, and implication for fall young-of-year abundance

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Matthew Aardema, MS

Advisor: Mark Scriber
Thesis: The influence of female wing color variation on male mate choice in tiger swallowtail butterflies (Papilio Spp.)

Orlando Alvarez-Fuentes, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Dissertation: The systematic of genus Amauropelta (pteridophyta: thelypterdaceae) in the Caribbean Islands

Joshua Booker, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kendra Cheruvelil
Thesis: The spatial distribution of daphnia resources in shallow lakes: is food quantity or quality for zooplankton determined by macrophytes?

Alexandra Castillo-Ruiz, PhD

Advisor: Antonio Nunez
Dissertation: Circadian and environmental modulation of arousal and reward systems of a diurnal brain

Arthur Covert, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: The beneficial effects of deleterious mutations

Yen Thuy Duong, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Effects of spawning behavior and environmental factors on adult reproductive ecology and larval dispersal of lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)

Anna Fiedler, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: Restoration of prairie fen plants, insects, and abiotic processes

Patrick Forsythe, PhD

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Exogenous correlates of migration , spawning, egg deposition and egg mortality in lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens)

Sherri Goings, PhD

Computer Science and Engineering
Advisor: Charles Ofria
Dissertation: Natural niching: applying ecological principles to evolutionary computation

Sarah Hamer, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisors: Graham Hickling and Jean Tsao
Dissertation: Interactions among invading ticks, wildlife, and zoonotic pathogens

Chenin Limback, MS

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Thesis: Tree vigor and its relation to emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) adult host preference and larval development on green and white ash trees

Sherry Martin, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Daniel Hayes
Dissertation: Land-use legacy effect: Combining spatial and temporal drivers in statistical and mechanistic models of lake water chemistry

Jarad Mellard, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Christopher Klausmeier
Dissertation: The vertical distribution of phytoplankton: observations, theory, experiments

Ryan Morgan, MS

Advisor: Robert Anstey
Thesis: Paleobiogeographic associations among Mississippian Bryozoansy

Aaron Smith, PhD

Advisor: Anthony Cognato
Dissertation: Phylogenetic revision of the North American Asidini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae)

Jennifer Smith, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Evolutionary and ecological forces shaping patterns of cooperation among spotted hyenas

Jay Sobel, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: Speciation in the western North American wildflower genus Mimulus

Lauri Torgerson-White, MS

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Thesis: Personality in Michigan's Peromyscus

John Townsend-Mehler, PhD

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Decision-making following shifts in reward distribution: A look at the foraging behavior of honeybees and bumblebees as they respond to shifts in resource availability

Jennifer White, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Monitoring elusive carnivores using noninvasive genetic techniques; case study of bobcats (Lynx rufus) in the northern lower peninsula, Michigan

Brook Wilke, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Sieglinde Snapp
Dissertation: Challenges of developing sustainable nitrogen sources in agriculture: Cover crops, nitrogen fixation and ecological principles

Kevin Wyatt, PhD

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Dissertation: Environmental controls on algal community structure and function in boreal wetlands

Sara Wyse, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Diane Ebert-May
Dissertation: Breaking the mold: Preparing graduate teaching assistants to teach as they are taught to teach

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Alicia Bray, PhD

Advisor: James Smith
Dissertation: AFLP, mtDNA, and microsatellite analysis of emerald ash borer population structure from Asia and North America

Stephanie Bussema, MS

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Non-thesis degree

Jonathan Deroba, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: James Bence
Dissertation: How many are there and how many can we kill? Improving catch per effort indices of abundance and evaluating harvest control rules for lake whitefish in the Great Lakes

Jeffrey Evans, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: Developing demographic models to inform selection of Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) biological control agents

Stephen LeDuc, PhD

Advisor: David Rothstein
Dissertation: Soil nitrogen cycling and ectomycorrhizal community composition following disturbance in Michigan jack pine forests

Megan Matonis, MS

Advisor: Michael Walters
Thesis: Multiple gap-stand and landscape-scale factors affect northern hardwood regeneration

Terri McElhinny, PhD

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Dissertation: Morphological variation in a durophagous carnivore, the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta

Mercedes Ramirez, MS

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Thesis: Vision as a sensory modality in the honey bee dance language

Lance Jay Roberts, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Brian Maurer
Dissertation: Improving wildlife habitat model performance: Sensitivity to scale and detail of vegetation measurements

Jessica Schrader, PhD

Advisor: Laura Smale
Dissertation: Plasticity in the circadian system: Changing rhythms in reproducing female rodents

Amy Schueller, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Daniel Hayes
Dissertation: Interactions between demographic stochasticity and genetic integrity of lake sturgeon populations

Sarah Smith, MS

Advisor: Anthony Cognato
Thesis: Revision of Camptocerus dejean (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) with notes on its biology

Sara Syswerda, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: G. Philip Robertson
Dissertation: Ecosystem services across a management intensity gradient in southwest Michigan

Andrew Tluczek, MS

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Thesis: Influence of host vigor on larval distribution, development and mortality of Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae) in North America

Nathaniel Walton, MS

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Habitat management using native flowering perennials to increase beneficial insects in Michigan highbush blueberry

Shailendra Adhikary, PhD

Advisor: Donald Dickmann
Dissertation: The long-term effects of low-intensity fires in a mature red pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) plantation

Elizabeth Ball, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Andrew McAdam
Thesis: Preferences and harvest intentions of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) hunters in Michigan: Insights into harvesting behaviors and their outcomes

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Katie Button-Simons, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Scott Peacor
Thesis: Environmental dependence of non-consumptive effects in predator-prey interactions

Molly Conlin, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Merritt Turetsky
Thesis: Soil hydroclimate, vegetation, and substrate controls on carbon flux in an Alaskan fen

Adam Goble, MS

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Thesis: Signature signals in the territorial vocalizations of red squirrels and their use in kin recognition

Gabriel Hamer, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Edward Walker
Dissertation: West Nile virus transmission ecology: Vector-host interactions

Anna Jacobsen, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Dissertation: Woody plant adaptations to water stress in arid shrub communities

Nicholas Johnson, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: In-stream behavioral responses of female sea lampreys to pheromone components

Sarah LeSage, MS

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Special project: Nitrogenous biochemical oxygen demand and dissolved oxygen in western Michigan streams

Eva Lewandowski, MS

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Thesis: The effects of pokeweed display characteristics on frugivore identity and fruit removal

Rodrigo Mercader, PhD

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Climate change, species boundaries, and hybridization: how climate change may be leading to host use divergence in a native butterfly system

Sarah Neumann, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Plant-soil feedbacks in temperate and tropical forests

Kevin Pangle, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Scott Peacor
Dissertation: The role of non-consumptive effects in the net effect of an invasive predator in the Laurentian Great Lakes

Wiline Pangle, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Threat-sensitive behaviors and its ontogenetic development in top mammalian carnivores

Kirsten Pelz-Stelinski, PhD

Advisors: Michael Kaufman and Edward Walker
Dissertation: Mosquito production and microbial diversity in container habitats

Susan Spaulding, MS

Advisor: David Rothstein
Thesis: Does clearcut harvesting emulate the effects of natural disturbance on the development of stand structure in Pinus banksiana forests of northern lower Michigan

Kevin Theis, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Scent marking in a highly social mammalian species, the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Lindsey Walters, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Mate quality and parental investment in the house wren

Kathryn Wharton Boes, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Queen and worker influence on sex allocation patterns in the honeybee, Apis mellifera

Rachel Williams, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Non-thesis degree

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Lauren Bailey, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kelly Millenbah
Thesis: Brown-Headed Cowbird response to Kirtland's Warbler habitat management and Cowbird trapping in Michigan

Amy Burgin, PhD

Advisor: Scott Hamilton
Dissertation: Novel microbial pathways of nitrate removal from freshwater ecosystems

Heather Dawson, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Michael Jones
Dissertation: Recruitment variation in Great Lakes sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) populations and implications for integrated pest management

Tracy Grazia, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kelly Mittelbach
Thesis: Evaluating the ecological contributions of differing land ownership types in the context of a human-dominated landscape

Sarah Hodgson, MS

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Non-thesis degree

Jason Kilgore, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Telewski
Dissertation: Distribution and ecophysiology of the Ponderosae in the Santa Catalina Mountains of southern Arizona

Frances Knapczyk, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: The evolution of population differentiation of autogamous selfing ability in Collinsia verna

Joseph Kolowski, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Anthropogenic influences on the behavior of large carnivores in the northern Serengeti ecosystem

Andrew Kramer, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Orlando Sarnelle
Dissertation: Copepodology in Alpine Lakes: Limitations to recovery of Hesperodiaptomus shosone after exotic fish eradication

Katherine Lander, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Thesis: The effects of the parasitic plant Cuscuta gronovii on the mating system of its host plant Impatiens capensis

Brian Linton, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: James Bence
Dissertation: Model selection and data weighting methods in statistical catch-at-age analysis: Application to 1836 treaty water stock assessments

Wendy Mahaney, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Soil processes and plant species: Does the reintroduction of native grasses alter soil carbon and nitrogen cycling?

Nathan Miller, PhD

Advisor: Richard Hill
Dissertation: Multiphase transport processes in sea turtle nesting beaches

Angela Roles, PhD

Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: Novel studies of spontaneous mutations: Measurements of fitness in the field and gene expression in the lab

Carrie Scheele Kissman, PhD

Advisor: Donald Hall
Dissertation: The effects of zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) on inland lake ecosystems

Jaime Tanner, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Behavioral and morphological development in a female-dominated species, the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Julianna Tuell, PhD

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Dissertation: Ecology and conservation of wild bees associated with highbush blueberry farms in Michigan

Seth Walk, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Whittham
Dissertation: Population genetic analyses of Salmonella enterica serovar enteritidis and Escherichia coli from biotic and abiotic sources

Heather Watts, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Social and ecological influences on survival and reproduction in the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta

Gabriel Yedid, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Exploring consequences of mass extinction and recovery in digital organisms

Back to the top



Gretchen Anderson, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Michael Jones
Thesis: Optimizing assessment of larval sea lampreys in the Great Lakes

Kristin Bott, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Genetic analyses of dispersal, harvest mortality, and recruitment for remnant populations of Lake Sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, in open-water and riverine habitats of Lake Michigan

Scott Butterfield, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Carolyn Malmstrom
Dissertation: Enhancing rangeland sustainability with remote sensing and collaborative information exchange

Alejandro Costamagna, PhD

Advisor: Douglas Landis
Dissertation: Do varying natural enemy assemblages impact Aphis glycines population dynamics?

Meghan Duffy, PhD

Advisors: Alan Tessier and Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: Evolutionary and community ecology of parasitism in Daphnia

Erica Garcia, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Regional coexistence and local dominance in Chaoborus: Species sorting along a predation gradient

Merritt Gillilland, PhD

Advisor: James Atkinson
Dissertation: Dispersal ecology and control of the invasive land snail Cepaea menoralis (L. 1758), from Ingham County, Michigan

Meera Iyer, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Root carbohydrate storage in temperate and tropical forest tree seedlings: Implications for species coexistence

Amy Lark, MS

Advisor: Heather Eisthen
Non-thesis degree

Dusan Misevic, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Digital sex: Causes and consequences of recombination

William Paddock, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Thesis: Explaining patterns of mortality following severe drought in a chaparral shrub community

Brenda Pracheil, MS

Advisor: Patrick Muzzall
Thesis: Parasites of juvenile bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus and young-of-the-year largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides from Three Lakes II and Gull Lake, Michigan

Heather Sahli, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: Generalization in plant pollination systems and its effect on floral evolution within and among populations of wild radish (Raphanus raphanistrum)

Bronwyn Williams, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Applications of genetic methods in furbearer management and ecology: Case studies of fishers, American martens and bobcats

Ann Winters, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Graham Hickling
Thesis: Rodenticide use and secondary poisoning risks to non-target wildlife in Central Mongolia

Back to the top



Amy Angert, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: The ecology and evolution of altitude range limits in monkey flowers

Kosha Baxi, MS

Advisor: Heather Eisthen
Thesis: What does the vomeronasal system do? A critical analysis of the data

Doug Bruggeman, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Michael Jones
Dissertation: Development of landscape equivalency analysis

Sarah Emery, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Population and community approaches to understanding invasion in grasslands

A. Stuart Grandy, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: G. Philip Robertson
Dissertation: Ecosystem consequences of aggregation following soil disturbance

Cheng-Yu Lee, PhD

Advisor: Bryan Epperson
Dissertation: Space-time modeling and application to emerging infectious diseases

Kalina Manoylov, PhD

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Dissertation: Ecological and evolutionary strategies used by benthic diatoms to compete for nutrients

Laura Marx, PhD

Advisor: Michael Walters
Dissertation: Substrate limitations to Tsuga canadensis and Betula alleghaniensis seedling establishment

Laura McKinnon, MS

Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Female sociality in the common eider (Somateria mollissima)

Shawna Meyer, MS

Advisor: David MacFarlane
Non-thesis degree

Anita Morzillo, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Jianguo (Jack) Liu
Dissertation: Integrating ecology and socio-economics for species restoration: Feasibility of a Louisiana black bear reintroduction in and around Big Thicket National Preserve, TX

Eva-Maria Muecke, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Determinants of age at dispersal & settlement patterns in the Belding's ground squirrel, Spermophilus beldingi

Margaret Murphy, PhD

Advisor: John Giesy
Dissertation: Atrazine exposure and reproductive function of ranid frog species collected in Michigan

Genevieve Nesslage, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Brian Maurer
Dissertation: Spatial structure and invasion success of populations undergoing range expansion: Effects of dispersal strategy and landscape heterogeneity

Joshua Nixon, PhD

Advisor: Laura Smale
Dissertation: Anatomy and function of orexin-containing neurons in day- and night-active animals

Elizabeth Ostrowski, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Adaptation and specialization in biological and digital organisms

Charlotte Reemts, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Thesis: Temperate deciduous forest fragments: Edge effects, invasion by non-native plants, and long-term change in mature forest structure

Nancy Seefelt, PhD

Advisor: Donald Hall
Dissertation: Foraging ecology, bioenergetics and predatory impact of breeding double-crested cormorant (Pholacrocorax auritus) in the Beaver Archipelago, Northern Lake Michigan

Rainy Shorey, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Phylogeographies of Snow, Ross's, Canada, and Cackling Geese: Defining spatial structure of biological diversity

Jennifer Skillen, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Brian Maurer
Dissertation: Landscape structure and the biological diversity of the North America avifauna

Robert Skillen, MS

Advisor: Barbara Lundrigan
Thesis: Changes in the distribution of Michigan's flying squirrels

Richard Smith, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Agroecosystem diversity: Impacts on weed communities and crop yield

Back to the top



Cindy Adkins, MS

Advisor: Jodie O'Gorman
Thesis: Introduction of Zea Mays into southwestern Michigan: A microenvironmental study of plant/human relationships

Mara Bryan, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: Unusual sex steroids in lampreys

Kendra Cheruvelil, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Patricia Soranno
Dissertation: Examining lakes at multiple spatial scales: Predicting fish growth, macrophyte cover and lake physio-chemical variables

Jessica Cook, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Thesis: Effects of pollen limitation, resource limitation, and disease on the reproductive biology and growing season of Arisaema triphllum

Tara Darcy-Hall, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Linking gradients of predators and productivity to the composition and limitation of benthic algal communities

Leslie Dethlefsen, PhD

Microbiology, Genetics, & Immunology
Advisor: Thomas Schmidt
Dissertation: Translational power differs between bacteria pursuing different ecological strategies

Stephanie Dloniak, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Socioendocrinology of spotted hyenas: Patterns of androgen and glucocorticoid excretion in a unique social system

Natalie Dubois, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Opportunities for polygymy and reproductive investment decisions in house wrens

Erik Foster, MS

Advisor: Edward Walker
Thesis: Ixodes scapularis and Borrelia burgdorferi in Southwest Michigan: Population ecology and verification of a geographic risk model

Kristen Genet, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Status and distribution of frogs and toads in southern Michigan: Population trends and the influence of habitat and landscape characteristics

Gregory Houseman, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Local and regional effects on plant diversity: The influence of species pools, colonizer traits and productivity

Sara Kaiser, MS

Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Thesis: Effect of proximity to forest edges on nestling growth and nest survival of wood thrush (Hylocichla mustelina) in Southwestern Michigan

Kathleen Kay, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Dissertation: The evolution of floral characters and reproductive isolation in neotropical Costus (Costaceae)

Jessie Keith, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Thesis: Monarda section Cheilyctis: Patterns of speciation, endemism and implications on conservation

Lesley Knoll, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Orlando Sarnelle
Thesis: Understanding zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha) impacts on autotrophic and heterotrophic plankton in inland lake ecosystems

Ann Krause, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Taylor
Dissertation: The role of compartments in food-web structure and changes following biological invasions in southeast Lake Michigan

Ian Ramjohn, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Dissertation: The role of disturbed Caribbean dry forest fragments in the survival of native plant diversity

Nathan Siegert, PhD

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Dissertation: Meteorological factors affecting the success of the gypsy moth fungal pathogen Entomophaga maimaiga (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) in Michigan

Michelle Smith, MS

Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Thesis: Edge effects on avian and mammalian nest predator relative abundance and species richness

Skip Van Bloem, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Dissertation: Multiple scale patterns in growth and structure of subtropical dry forests: soils, trees, and hurricanes

Sofia Wahaj, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Cooperative, competitive and kin relationships in the social lives of spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta)

Cynthia Wei, PhD

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Investing in learning: Studies of learning flights in honeybees, Apil mellifera

Jeremy Wojdak, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Species interactions and the functioning of pond ecosystems

Back to the top



Zhanna Abramovsky, MS

Advisor: David Rothstein
Thesis: Recovery of ecosystem processes after wildfire in Michigan jack pine forests

Meredith Bartron, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Assessment of historical and contemporary genetic diversity of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in the Lake Michigan basin

Julie Blanchong, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Dissertation: Genealogical relationships influence the probability of infection with bovine tuberculosis and microgeographic genetic structure in free-ranging white-tail deer

Katherine Coady, PhD

Advisor: John Giesy
Dissertation: An investigation into the mechanism of action of atrazine and its effects on developing Rana clamitans and Xenopus leavis

Patrick DeHaan, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Demographic and life history characteristics of remnant lake sturgeon populations in the upper Great Lakes basin: Inferences based on genetic analyses

Norine Dobiesz, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: James Bence
Dissertation: An evaluation of the role of top piscivores in the fish community of the main basin of Lake Huron

Nathan Dorn, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Effects of omnivorous crayfish on fish populations and the structure of littoral communities

Khara Greiger, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Thesis: Spatial and temporal patterns of Pinus nigra spread in four Lake Michigan sand dune habitats

Joseph Harsh, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Non-thesis degree

Robert Hollister, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Patrick Webber
Dissertation: Response of tundra vegetation to temperature: Implications for forecasting vegetation change

Kristine Kern, MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Thesis: The effect of mechanical perturbation on the conductivity, mechanical strength, and above ground biomass of seven hybrid poplars

Laura Lazarus, MS

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Thesis: Suitability of four conifer species for female oviposition and larval development of the white-spotted pine sawyer, Monochamus scutellatus (Say) (Coleoptera: Ceryambycidae)

Megan Mahoney, PhD

Advisor: Laura Smale
Dissertation: Sex, surges, and circadian rhythms: The timing of reproductive events in a diurnal rodent

Erica McConnell, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Non-thesis degree

Charles McKeown, MS

Advisor: Stuart Gage
Thesis: Quantifying the roles of competition and niche separation in native and exotic coccinellids, and their response to an exotic prey species

Anna Monfils, PhD

Plant Biology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Dissertation: Phenotypes and floral variation: A phylogenetic approach

Sharon Schapel, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Thomas Coon
Dissertation: Relationships between coastal wetland habitat and young of the year fish community characteristics, distribution, and growth

Michael Siefkes, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Li
Dissertation: Characterization of a male sea lamprey sex pheromone

Craig Stricker, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Natural lake level declines in a Great Lakes coastal marsh: Effects on hydrochemistry, resource availability, and invertebrates

Emily Szalai, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: James Bence
Dissertation: Uncertainty in alewife (Alosa psuedoharengus) and bloater (coregonus hoyi) population dynamics and its effects on salmonine stocking strategies in Lake Michigan

Stacy Umstatter, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: James Tiedje
Dissertation: Accelerated microbial degradation of carbofuran in soils

Russell Van Horn, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Behavioral and genetic consequences of dispersal in the spotted hyena (Crocuta crocuta)

Corine Vriesendorp, PhD

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Dissertation: Maintenance of diversity in a neotropical seedling community

Yi-Kuang Wang, PhD

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Dissertation: Ecological assessment of human disturbance on stream ecosystems with algae

Stefanie Whitmire, PhD

Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: Biogeochemical functions of wetlands in southwestern Michigan

Lei Zheng, PhD

Advisor: R. Jan Stevenson
Dissertation: Assessing wetlands and their restoration using algae

Back to the top



Puja Batra, PhD

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Foraging ecology of giant honey bees, Apis dorsata, in an Indian Forest

Anne Engh, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: The causes and consequences of social rank in the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta

Merritt Gillilland, MS

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Thesis: Microhabitat analysis of bass tapeworm, Proteocephalus ambloplitis, infrapopulations in four species of centrarchids from Gull Lake, Michigan

Heather Hallen-Adams, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Gerald Adams
Dissertation: Studies in amatoxin-producing genera of fungi: Phylogenetics and toxin distribution

Brian Keas, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Influence of water level on coastal wet meadow snail communities

Jason Kilgore, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Frank Telewski
Thesis: A dendroecological analysis of a long-term reforestation experiment in Grayling, Michigan

Christopher Lepczyk, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Weiming Liu
Dissertation: Effects of human activities on birds across landscapes in the Midwest

Rodrigo Mercader, MS

Advisor: Rufus Isaacs
Thesis: Phenophase dependent tolerance to foliar herbivory in grape vines, Vitis labrusca (L.) var. 'Niagara'

David Raikow, PhD

Advisor: Stephen Hamilton
Dissertation: How the feeding ecology of native and exotic mussels affects freshwater ecosystems

Laura Schreeg, MS

Advisor: Richard Kobe
Thesis: Do differences in soil resource availability affect forest composition in northern lower Michigan? A field investigation of seedling growth, survival and morphology

Todd Wills, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Mary Bremigan
Thesis: Evaluation of habitat enhancement structures in four reservoirs of the Au Sable River, Michigan

Jeff Winston, MS

Advisor: Donald Hall
Non-thesis degree

Carrie Woodrum, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Thesis: Hydraulic, biomechanical and anatomical study of xylem from five tree species of Acer

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Chris Blackwood, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: Elder Paul
Dissertation: Spatial organization in soil bacterial communities

Erin Boydston, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Socio-ecological determinants of space utilization patterns in the spotted hyena

Laura Broughton, PhD

Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Linking plant communities to soil microbial communities and processes in old-fields

Andery Calkins, MS

Advisor: Michael Gottfried
Thesis: Paleoecology of Hawaiian sub-fossil geese: Stable isotope analysis

Vesna Gavrilovic, PhD

Advisor: James Smith
Dissertation: Documenting the history of speciation in Rhagoletis zephyria (Diptera: Tephritidae) using molecular markers

Dina Grayson, MS

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Thesis: The role of optic versus metabolic odometry in honey bee foraging energetics

Colleen Masterson, MS

Advisor: Nathaniel Ostrom
Thesis: A seasonal investigation of energy transfer and food web structure of the deepwater sculpin (Myoxocephalus thompsoni) in Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan

Angela McMellen, MS

Advisor: Catherine Lindell
Thesis: Nest-site selection and nesting ecology of the orange-billed nightingale-thrush (Catharus aurantiirostris) in southern Costa Rica

Robert Olendorf, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Cooperation in red-winged blackbirds: Niceness, cheating, grudges in "dear enemy" relationships

Gabriel Ording, MS

Advisor: Kim Scriber
Thesis: Island populations and trait comparisons of tiger swallowtail butterflies, P. canadensis, in the Great Lakes region

Kevin Page, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Kim Scribner
Thesis: Genetic diversity and interrelationships of wild and hatchery lake trout in the upper Great Lakes: Inferences for broodstock management and development of restoration strategies

Amanda Posto, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Alan Prather
Thesis: The reproductive biology and taxanomic origin of Michigan monkey-flower, Minulus glabratus var. michiganensis

Chris Steiner, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Seasonal succession and variable Daphnia dominance in fishless ponds: Ecological determinants and ecosystem consequences

Micaela Szykman Gunther, PhD

Advisor: Kay Holekamp
Dissertation: Sexual behavior and male mate choice in the spotted hyena, Crocuta crocuta

Steven Vieira, PhD

Advisor: Donald Beaver
Dissertation: The interaction of nest predation and brood parasitism: Factors and consequences of re-nesting in songbirds

Lorna Watt , MS

Plant Biology
Advisor: Douglas Schemske
Non-thesis degree

Alan Wilson, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Orlando Sarnelle
Thesis: Complex interactions between zebra mussels and their planktonic prey

Back to the top



Jeff Benefiel, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Non-thesis degree

Timothy Bergsma, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: G. Philip Robertson
Dissertation: The relationship between denitrification and nitrous oxide flux from soil

Brian Black, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Jeffrey Conner
Dissertation: The evolution of phenotypic plasticity in a natural wildflower population

Vaughn Cooper, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Consequences of ecological specialization in long-term evolving populations of Escherichia coli

Joseph Gathman, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Abiotic and biotic influences on aquatic invertebrate community in a Lake Huron coastal wetland

Mike Higgins, PhD

Advisor: Richard Merritt
Dissertation: Invertebrate trophic relationships in temporary woodland ponds in Michigan

Carl Kloock, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: Aggressive mimicry in the pirate spider, Minetus notius


Dylan Parry, PhD

Advisors: Daniel Herms/Kim Scriber
Dissertation: Induced responses of poplars to defoliation and their effects on leaf-feeding Lepidoptera

Danny Rozen, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: The evolution of a balanced polymorphism in a long-term laboratory population of Escherichia coli

Gary Schott, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisors: Andrew Jarosz and James Hancock
Dissertation: The nature of infertility and response to inbreeding in blueberries

Kristin Sherfinski, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Thesis: The ecology of interdunal wetpannes and the potential effects of the introduced Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) on their hydrology and vegetation

Ed Siuda, MS

Advisor: Heather Eisthen
Non-thesis degree

Kurt Stanley, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Dissertation: The structure, composition, and hydrology of wet meadow plant communities fringing Saginaw Bay (Lake Huron)

Aram Stump, MS

Advisor: Kim Scriber
Thesis: Lack of cryptic reproductive isolation between Papilio canadensis and Papilio glaucus; and population genetics near their hybrid zone

David Tank, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Tao Sang
Thesis: Evolution and phylogenetic utility of low-copy nuclear genes: Examples from conifers and peonies

Timothy Tibbetts, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Dissertation: Ecology of Celastrus orbiculatus (oriental bittersweet)

Ray Valley, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Mary Bremigan
Thesis: The indirect effects of herbicide control of Eurasian watermilfoil on largemouth bass recruitment

Farida Vasi Attar, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Population growth, dynamics and evolution in Escherichia coli: Theoretical and experimental studies

Back to the top



Julie Blanchong, MS

Advisor: Laura Smale
Thesis: Nocturnal and diurnal rhythms in the unstriped Nile grass rat, Arvicanthis niloticus

Anita Davelos Baines, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Dissertation: Double-stranded RNA mediated recovery of the American chestnut population: A demographic analysis

Jeff Dudycha, PhD

Advisor: Alan Tessier
Dissertation: The evolutionary ecology of senescence in Daphnia

John Genet, MS

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Thesis: The diversity and abundance of termites (Isoptera) in a fragmented subtropical dry forest landscape

Loren Hayes, MS

Advisor: Richard Hill
Thesis: House mouse (Mus domesticus) habitat use and response to repeated harvests in the agricultural landscape

Theresa Lauber, MS

Advisor: Donald Hall
Thesis: Can the big bayou be saved? Water quality assessment and management recommendations for spring lake watershed, Ottawa and Muskegon counties, Michigan

Christy Lewis, MS

Advisor: Donald Hall
Thesis: Natural history, behavior and species composition of whirligig beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae) in fish and fishless ponds

Melissa McCormick, PhD

Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Spatial environmental variation: Within and among population effects in Danthonia spicata

Brian Noyle, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Patrick Webber
Thesis: The vegetation and a landsat assisted land cover map of the Barrow region, northern Alaska

Jessica Rettig, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Interactions in a stage-structured species: Impacts of adult bluegill on larval growth and survival

Jeff Taylor, MS

Advisor: Richard Hill
Thesis: Roost-site and habitat selection of the long-legged Myotis in a managed landscape on the east slopes of the Cascade range

Stacy Umstatter, MS

Advisor: Donald Beaver
Non-thesis degree

Don Uzarski, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Community metabolism in Michigan rivers: Effects of including hyporheic sediments in estimates of production/respiration (P/R) ratios

Jeff White, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Tao Sang
Dissertation: Rarity and the phylogeography of the large-flowered Piptolobi of Astragalus L. (Fabaceae)

Back to the top



Jeff Birdsley, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Getty
Dissertation: The evolution of ecological specialization in the tyrant flycatchers (Aves: tyrannidae)

Michel Cavigelli, PhD

Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences
Advisor: G. Philip Robertson
Dissertation: Ecosystem consequences and spatial distribution of soil microbial community structure

Andrea Corbett, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Root responses to nutrient heterogeneity: A comparison of dominant and subordinate species from old-fields

PhilIP Gerrish, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Dynamics of mutation and selection in asexual populations

Piera Giroux, MS

Advisor: Mark Scriber
Thesis: Testing the "cold pocket" hypothesis: Oviposition preference of the Canadian tiger swallowtail

Heather Govenor, MS

Advisors: Daniel Herms and Mark Scriber
Thesis: Light, nutrient availability, and defoliation effects on resource acquisition, resource allocation, and herbivore resistance in paper birch and sugar maple

Christine Jarzomski, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Frank Ewers
Thesis: Liana distribution and host relationships in some temperate versus tropical forest sites

Heather Rowe, MS

Advisor: Catherine Bristow
Thesis: Effects of habitat succession on population and reproduction of the Allegheny mound ant

Back to the top



Randy DeJong, MS

Advisor: Patrick Muzzall
Thesis: Hemosporid parasite communities of waterfowl (Anatidae) from Kellogg Biological Station and Douglas Lake, Michigan

Alex Hernandez, MS

Advisor: Patrick Muzzall
Thesis: Seasonal patterns in the biology of Eubothrium salvelini infecting brook trout and slimy sculpin from Sweetwater Creek, Michigan

Lissa Leege, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Dissertation: The ecological impact of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra) on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan: An introduced species becomes an invader

John Wallace, PhD

Advisor: Richard Merritt
Dissertation: Larval feeding ecology of Anopheles quadrimaculatus (Say) and An. Punctipennis (Say) in south central Michigan ponds

Back to the top



Valerie Brady, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) in a great lakes coastal marsh: Population dynamics and effects on the invertebrates

Elizabeth Capaldi Evans, PhD

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: Acquisition of visual spatial memory on orientation and reorientation flights in the honey bee

M. Sean Clark, PhD

Advisor: Stuart Gage
Dissertation: An evaluation of domestic chickens and geese as biological control agents for insect pests and weeds

Beth Dankert, MS

Advisor: Daniel Herms
Thesis: Effects of defoliation, drought, and fertilization on the expression of paper birch and sugar maple resistance to insect folivores

Jeff Dickinson, PhD

Advisor: Fred Dyer
Dissertation: How do bees compute the position of the sun? Alternative representations

Brian Dunphy, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Peter Murphy
Thesis: The multiple-stemmed growth form of trees in a subtropical dry forest

Cathy Flegel, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Harold Prince
Dissertation: Genetic heterogeneity and differentiation resulting from sichuan pheasant (Phasianus colchicus strauchi) introduction in southern Michigan

Bryan Foster, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Plant competition and diversity in relation to productivity in old-field plant communities

Kevin Geedey, PhD

Advisor: Alan Tessier
Dissertation: Seasonal clonal succession in Daphnia pulicaria populations

Casey Huckins, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Interpreting the functional relationships between morphology, feeding performance, diet and competitive ability in mollusciouvous sunfish

John Jenkins, PhD

Advisor: Guy Bush
Dissertation: Systematic studies of Rhagoletis and related genera (Diptera: Tephritidae)

Yining Luo, PhD

Advisor: Donald Straney
Dissertation: A systematic and biogeographic study of the bat genus Rhinolophus (chiroptera: Rhinolophadae)

Emily Lyons, MS

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Andrew Jarosz
Thesis: Geographic distribution of Silene latifolia and its anther-smut pathogen Microbotrym Violaceum in the eastern United States

Paco Moore, PhD

Advisor: Steven Tonsor
Dissertation: Assessing the viability of the shifting balance process

Roger Strand, PhD

Advisor: Richard Merritt
Dissertation: Landscape alteration effects on lotic invertebrate ecology

Brad White, MS

Advisor: Richard Hill
Thesis: The ontogeny of brown adipose tissue in Microtus ochrogaster in various thermal and social environments

Timothy Work, MS

Advisor: Deborah McCullough
Thesis: The impact of severe gypsy moth defoliation on native insects in two northern Michigan ecosystems

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Paola Ferreri, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Taylor
Dissertation: Role of compensatory mechanisms in the population dynamics of lake trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in the U.S. waters of Lake Superior

Stan Hokanson, PhD

Advisor: James Hancock
Dissertation: Risk assessment of transgenic plants: Evaluation of border rows as a containment strategy for transgenic pollen and a comparison of pollen dispersal patterns for native and transgenes

Karen Hokanson, PhD

Advisor: James Hancock
Dissertation: The consequences of polyploidy on inbreeding depression in Vaccinium (blueberry) species

Yue Ming, PhD

Advisor: Guy Bush
Dissertation: Characterization of the Ribosomal DNA of the genus Rhagoletis (diptera: Tephritidae)

Douglas Novinger, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Thomas Coon
Thesis: Behavioral, physiological and morphological similarity among populations of redside dace, a threatened species in Michigan

Alison Pearks Wilkerson, MS

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: Scott Winterstein
Thesis: The effect of habitat manipulation on avian populations and vegetation composition on conservation reserve program fields in Gratiot County, Michigan

Paul Turner, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Associations between bacteria and conjugative plasmids: Model systems for testing evolutionary theory

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Michael Berney, PhD

Advisor: George Bird
Dissertation: Studies on the population and community ecology of Heterodera corotae in Michigan

Russell Brown, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: William Taylor
Dissertation: Reproduction, early life history, and recruitment of rainbow smelt (Osmerus mordaz) in St. Martin Bay, Lake Huron

Lisa Huberty, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: Kay Gross
Dissertation: Dominance, diversity, and resource competition in old-field plant communities

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Janice Bossart, PhD

Advisor: Mark Scriber
Dissertation: Differential selection and adaptation in different host environments: Genotypic and phenotypic variation in host use traits in the tiger swallowtail butterfly, Papilio glaucus

William Bowerman, PhD

Fisheries and Wildlife
Advisor: John Giesy
Dissertation: Regulation of bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) productivity in the great lakes basin: An ecological and toxicological approach

Martha Case, PhD

Botany and Plant Pathology
Advisor: John Beaman
Dissertation: Genetic diversity and evolutionary relationships within and among five Cypripedium (Orchidaceae) species: Inference from allozyme electrophoresis

Shixi Hu, PhD

Advisor: Alan Tessier
Dissertation: Competition in a seasonal environment: Daphnia population dynamics and coexistence

Kelly Johnson, PhD

Advisor: Mark Scriber
Dissertation: Physiological adaptations associated with host specialization: Ecological implications
for generalist and specialist Saturniid silkmoths

Mark Olson, PhD

Advisor: Gary Mittelbach
Dissertation: Mixed competition/predation interactions in size-structured fish communities

Michael Travisano, PhD

Advisor: Richard Lenski
Dissertation: Adaptation and divergence in experimental populations of the bacterium Escherichia coli: The roles of environment, phylogeny and chance

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Steven Fradkin, MS

Advisor: Donald Hall
Thesis: Induced interference and exploitative competition upon rotifer community structure

Michael Rondinelli, MS

Advisor: Donald Hall 
Thesis: Predation by three dominant macroinvertebrates in a southcentral Michigan marsh

Peter Smith, MS

Advisor: Susan Kalisz
Non-thesis degree

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Matthew Ayres, PhD

Advisor: Mark Scriber
Dissertation: Adaptation and constraint in Papilio canadensis: Geographic variation in nutritional physiology and temperature

Daniel Herms, PhD

Advisor: William Mattson
Dissertation: Variation in resource allocation patterns of paper birch: Evidence of physiological trade-offs among growth, reproduction and defense

Dennis Mullen, PhD

Advisor: Thomas Burton
Dissertation: Size related habitat use in a riffle dwelling fish: The longnose dace (Rhinicthys cataractae)

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Richard Cowles, PhD

Advisor: James Miller
Dissertation: Manipulating oviposition of Delia antiqua (Meigen): A stimulo-deterrent diversionary approach

Robert Lawrence, PhD

Advisor: William Mattson
Dissertation: Phenological variation in the susceptibility of white spruce to the spruce budworm

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Jonathan Brown, PhD

Advisor: David Wilson
Dissertation: Specialization in Poecilochirus carabi, a phoretic mite

Mark McPeek, PhD

Advisors: Donald Hall and Earl Werner
Dissertation: The determination of species composition in the Enallagma assemblages (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) of permanent lakes

Rose-Marie Muzika, PhD

Advisor: Kurt Pregitzer
Dissertation: Carbon allocation and secondary metabolites in Abies grandis as influenced by nitrogen fertilization and seed source

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