Seed Grants
EEB’s Seed Grant Program supports our faculty as they develop external research proposals. The seed grant program prioritizes projects that bring together new ideas and collaborations. Core EEB faculty are eligible to submit seed grant proposals with a maximum request of $20k per project.
The 2025 call for funding provides additional information on the application process. Proposals are due annually on March 1 but may be considered off-cycle if external deadlines necessitate a different timeline. Questions can be directed to the committee chairs Emily Dolson and Pat Soranno.
2024 Funded Projects
Title |
Lead PI |
Dept |
Coupled cycling of mercury and greenhouse gases across a Michigan watershed | Kelly Aho and Jackie Gerson | EES, IBIO |
*Giving meaning to soil fungal sequence data: developing a community-level index of
potential plant-pathogen interactions
Chris Blackwood and Lauren Sullivan | PSMS, PLB, KBS |
Building Genomic Resources for Fish Models of Vertebrate Gene Regulatory Evolution | Ingo Braasch, Julia Ganz, Jason Gallant | IBIO |
Evolution of the enteric nervous system: the brain in the gut | Julia Ganz, Elizabeth Health-Heckman | IBIO, MGI |
SedaDNA Insights into Paleoclimate and Paleoecology of the Great Lakes in the Holocene (11,700 Ka to present) | Matt Schrenk, Elena Litchman, Mariah Meek | EES, MGI, IBIO, KBS |
Advancing understanding of ecological networks across space and time with open, accessible, and dynamic digital natural history of global bird interactions | Phoebe Zarnetske | IBIO |
The Molecular Basis of Electroreception in Teleost Fish | Jason Gallant | IBIO |
Application of language models for knowledge organization and extraction for the study of evolution | Shin-Han Shiu, Jeff Conner | PLB, CMSE, KBS |
Salmon Run Evolution Education Video Game Development and Classroom Pilot Study | Robert Pennock | Lyman Briggs, Phil, CSE |
*Project co-sponsored by MSU AgBioResearch.
Stories from 2023-2024
Six seed grants to launch EEB faculty initiatives
EEB seed grant sprouts publishing in Science
2023 Funded Projects
Title |
Lead PI |
Dept |
**Neural mechanisms of infrared sensation in snakes | Heather Eisthen | Integrative Biology |
**Why do parasites vary in their ability to castrate their hosts? A mechanistic, multi-scale approach | Nina Wale | Microbiology and Molecular Genetics |
*Building an evidence base for best practices in the communication and implementation of ecological science | Scott Peacor | Fisheries and Wildlife |
*Eco-evolutionary dynamics of host-parasite interactions in a novel environment | Henry Chung | Entomology |
Back from the brink: Harnessing genomics to reverse declines in an emblematic Andean harlequin frog | Sarah Fitzpatrick | KBS and Integrative Biology |
Evaluation of risk to marine and terrestrial biodiversity from climate change and climate intervention | Phoebe Zarnetske | Integrative Biology |
*Project co-sponsored by MSU AgBioResearch.
**Project co-sponsored by MSU BEACON
2022 Funded Projects
Title |
Lead PI |
Dept |
*Empowering stakeholders from ship to store--solving fishery management challenges with use-inspired genomic and artificial intelligence tools | Mariah Meek | Integrative Biology |
**Co-phylogenetic inference and learning: New algorithmic techniques and an applied study of bioluminescent cephalopod symbioses | Kevin Liu | Computer Science and Engineering |
Identifying how belowground microbial communities change across time and space after wildfire | Jessica Miesel | Plant, Soil, and Microbial Sciences |
*What makes a virus pathogenic? Using machine learning to distinguish genomic signatures of virulence in crop and wild viruses | Carolyn Malmstrom | Plant Biology |
**Rules of polyploid life – Evolution of the vertebrate nervous system by genome duplications | Ingo Braasch | Integrative Biology |
Mapping phenology and above ground biomass in an African savanna | Kyla Dahlin | Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences |
**Leveraging genomic data to increase adaptive potential for the endangered Mitchell's satyr butterfly | Sarah Fitzpatrick | KBS and Integrative Biology |
*Project co-sponsored by MSU AgBioResearch.
**Project co-sponsored by MSU BEACON
2021 Funded Projects
Title |
Lead PI |
Dept |
Integrating biodiversity sciences across scales | Kendra Cheruvelil | Fisheries and Wildlife |
Mechanisms to prevent cheating in a newt-microbe symbiosis | Heather Eisthen | Integrative Biology |
Identifying the genetic basis of adaptive flagellar loss in mormyrid electric fish | Jason Gallant | Integrative Biology |
The Conservation Genetics Coalition: Building international capacity in applied genetics | Mariah Meek | Integrative Biology |
*Unraveling growth-defense interactions across biological scales using grapes | Marjorie Weber | Plant Biology |
Herbivory Variability Network: Quantifying plant-herbivore interactions | Will Wetzel | Entomology |
*Project co-sponsored by MSU AgBioResearch.