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EEB Grad Group (EGG)

Who We Are

The EEB Grad Group (EGG) organizes academic, professional development, outreach, and social events to help EEB members build their personal and professional networks and cultivate a sense of community.

EGG is also the voice of the graduate student body within the EEB program and act as an intermediary between the EEB program, the Council of Graduate Students, and the university administration. 

The EGG board for the 2024-2025 academic year is: Jonah Branding (President), Brooke Jeffery (Treasurer), Lacey Bishop-Schouster (Secretary), and Alyssa Saunders (Social Chair). 

What We Do

EGG organizes several key academic activities, including EBB's bi-weekly student colloquia and the annual research symposium

EGG is engaged with the broader community, providing virtual and in-person outreach events for K-12 students and the general public. Outreach and engagement materials and activities communicate the basic concepts of ecology and evolution while cultivating a love for science, wildlife, and nature. EGG has participated in local school science nights and the MSU Science Festival.

Popular events run by EGG include:

  • Bi-weekly happy hour at a local pub.
  • Biology on Tap, the 21+ monthly event at a local pub, welcomes the general public to hear biology-related talks. Invitations to present are sent out annually.

Biology on Tap logo

Check out Biology on Tap's Facebook page for current presenters.