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Campus leaders celebrate EEB’s efforts and successes

The Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Program has been honored twice this spring for its impact on graduate education and faculty support.

The Graduate School selected EEB for the Outstanding Graduate Program Community Award, which recognizes a graduate program/department that fosters the Foundational Values and proactively works to meet their students’ educational and extended professional development needs

Alyssa Saunders, a graduate student advised by Jason Gallant in integrative biology, nominated EEB.

She itemized the numerous activities and initiatives that support EEB students and noted to the selection committee that participating in the student-led research symposiums was  “… valuable because I was able to get feedback from the community on my work, but also, I was able to get a feel for what scientific presentations are like prior to attending and presenting at my first scientific conference.”

“The EEB program has been integral in my graduate career by providing a diverse and welcoming community of peers and mentors, professional development opportunities, and financial resources to help me succeed during my time at Michigan State University.”

Saunders was joined in nomination by EEB core faculty members Carolyn Malmstrom and Louise Mead.

The award has a $5,000 fellowship and an engraved plaque.

Provost’s Spiral of Collective Excellence Award
The Provost’s Spiral of Collective Excellence Award

At its annual research symposium in May, Provost Thomas Jeitschko presented EEB with Provost’s Spiral of Collective Excellence Award, which recognizes a group or team within a college or major administrative unit for their collective contributions and excellence that advance academic excellence and student success.

In nominating EEB, Doug Gage, vice president for research and innovation, cited the successes of EEB’s 70 core faculty members, the broad support EEB offers both faculty and students, and the robust, diverse commitment to “training the next generation of life scientists.”